Submitting jobs

Whatever you read here may need to be adjusted to fit your specific case.

Do not hesitate to ask for some help when needed.


Some but not all partitions are available to the compute nodes. Compute nodes will not be able to access any data from filesystems that are not listed here.

Slurm partitions

There are currently 2 partitions, normal and bigmem.

The normal partition is the default partition if you submit a job without precising which partition should be used. Your job will be placed in the normal partition (250GB).

The normal partition has limited RAM of 250GB, in case you need more than that please use the bigmem partition.

Use -p to specify needed partition.

Load necessary software

By default only some software will be available at login. To be able to use other software scripts you should first load them.

The command module will help you to manage modules and their dependencies.

To check which programs are loaded (ready to be used), use the command below.

module list

Expected output is,

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) autotools   2) prun/1.3   3) gnu8/8.3.0   4) openmpi3/3.1.4   5) ohpc

To check which programs are available (can be loaded). The same command can be used to search a specific package.

module avail

Expected output is,

--------------------------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/moduledeps/gnu8-openmpi3 ----------------------------------------------------
   adios/1.13.1     hypre/2.18.1    netcdf-cxx/4.3.1        petsc/3.12.0        py2-scipy/1.2.1     scorep/6.0            trilinos/12.14.1
   boost/1.71.0     imb/2018.1      netcdf-fortran/4.5.2    phdf5/1.10.5        py3-mpi4py/3.0.1    sionlib/1.7.4
   dimemas/5.4.1    mfem/4.0        netcdf/4.7.1            pnetcdf/1.12.0      py3-scipy/1.2.1     slepc/3.12.0
   extrae/3.7.0     mpiP/3.4.1      omb/5.6.2               ptscotch/6.0.6      scalapack/2.0.2     superlu_dist/6.1.1
   fftw/3.3.8       mumps/5.2.1     opencoarrays/2.8.0      py2-mpi4py/3.0.2    scalasca/2.5        tau/2.28

-------------------------------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/moduledeps/gnu8 --------------------------------------------------------
   hdf5/1.10.5     metis/5.1.0    mvapich2/2.3.2    openblas/0.3.7        pdtoolkit/3.25      py3-numpy/1.15.3
   likwid/4.3.4    mpich/3.3.1    ocr/1.0.1         openmpi3/3.1.4 (L)    py2-numpy/1.15.3    superlu/5.2.1

------------------------------------------------------------- /tools/modulefiles --------------------------------------------------------------

---------------------------------------------------------- /opt/ohpc/pub/modulefiles ----------------------------------------------------------
   EasyBuild/3.9.4          clustershell/1.8.2    gnu7/7.3.0         llvm5/5.0.1        pmix/2.2.2               valgrind/3.15.0
   autotools         (L)    cmake/3.15.4          gnu8/8.3.0  (L)    ohpc        (L)    prun/1.3          (L)
   charliecloud/0.11        gnu/5.4.0             hwloc/2.1.0        papi/5.7.0         singularity/3.4.1

   L:  Module is loaded

Use "module spider" to find all possible modules.
Use "module keyword key1 key2 ..." to search for all possible modules matching any of the "keys".

To search for a module,

module avail <<keyword>>
module spider <<keyword>>

To load a module do,

module load <<MODULENAME/VERSION>>

Loading a module can be done following these 3 steps,

  1. Locate the module, module avail

  2. Check how to load it, module spider <<MODULENAME/VERSION>>

  3. Load your module using the instructions module load <<MODULENAME/VERSION>>

  4. Check that the module is loaded, module list

  5. Enjoy!!! ;-)

Read more about module usage

Prototype of batch script

This prototype should be in a script file, for example, my_first_script.sbatch

   1 #!/bin/bash
   3 #SBATCH -J test               # Job name
   4 #SBATCH -o /work/<<UID>>/job.%j.out   # Name of stdout output file (%j expands to jobId)
   5 #SBATCH -e /work/<<UID>>/job.%j.err   # Name of stderr output file (%j expands to jobId)
   6 #SBATCH -n 16                 # Total number of threads requested or total number of mpi tasks
   7 #SBATCH --mem=2000            # Maximum amount of memory in Mb the job can use
   8 #SBATCH -t 00:30:00           # Run time ([d-]hh:mm:ss) - 1.5 hours
   9 #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
  10 #SBATCH
  12 # Load your software/command
  13 module load CMD/version
  15 # Run your command

To run a sbatch script use

sbatch <<script name>>

Here are some explanation for obscure parts of this template,

Line starting with #SBATCH
Those lines are option given to sbatch. They are different from the command you are running.
We use %j in the -o option
This is a place holder, it will be replaced by the job id of your run. The use of that makes it easier to find out which standard output correspond to which task. It could be removed but make sure that all the tasks have a specific output file.
--mem num
Omitting this information will result in an exclusive use of a node (1 job uses an entire node). Use this option to set the maximum amount of memory the job can use. Different units can be specified using the suffix [K|M|G|T]. For example, 20G is 20 Gigabits. On normal partition you can use maximum 254000Mb on bigmem you can use 1030055
-t option

The format for the time is, days-hours:minutes:secondes. This sets a limit of time for your task to run. If 00:05:00, your job will run for 5 minutes. What if it is not finished? You will have to rerun it again giving a higher time. If the command you are running has the ability to continue from a checkpoint, you can use that ability to reduce the running time. This parameter is difficult to estimate in most cases, do not hesitate to over estimate at the beginning. A job can run for a maximum of 10 days, 9-23:59:59.

Example of sbtach script

Let's assume a few things here,

  1. You need to be logged in
  2. Your data is available
  3. The needed software is available
  4. The test will be run in folder /work/test/

Preparing for the run,

   1 mkdir /work/test/

Let's try to run an assembly using megahit,

   1 #!/bin/bash
   3 #SBATCH -J test               # Job name
   4 #SBATCH -o /work/test/job.%j.out   # Name of stdout output file (%j expands to jobId)
   5 #SBATCH -e /work/test/job.%j.err   # Name of stderr output file (%j expands to jobId)
   6 #SBATCH -n 16                 # Total number of threads or total number of mpi tasks
   7 #SBATCH --mem=2000            # Maximum amount of memory in Mb the job can use, 2000 is 2Gb
   8 #SBATCH -t 01:30:00           # Run time ([d-]hh:mm:ss) - 1.5 hours
  10 # Load your available meghit
  11 module load MEGAHIT/1.2.9
  13 # Defining variable for work directory
  14 based=/work/test
  15 # Defining variable for temporary directory
  16 # We do this because our command uses tmp folder
  17 tmp_dir=$based/tmp
  18 # Defining variable for output directory
  19 output_dir=$based/output
  20 # Defining variable for forward and reverse read file
  21 f_read=/tools/test_data/assembly/r3_1.fa.gz
  22 r_read=/tools/test_data/assembly/r3_2.fa.gz
  24 # Creating temporary folder
  25 # Megahit will complain if "output" folder already exists
  26 mkdir $tmp_dir
  28 # Command to run
  29 # We use previously defined varibales to set the values of megahit options
  30 megahit -1 $f_read -2 $r_read --tmp-dir $tmp_dir --out-dir $output_dir --out-prefix r3

YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! Once your job is submitted, slurm takes care of it until it is done. There is no need to run your job in screen or any special terminal.

Use the node local storage (2TB)

As the title suggests, every compute node comes with a local storage (only visible on the node). Using that space can make your analysis faster but it must be used with care to not loose any data. It is important to understand that this space is created when a job or a task starts to run. The space is specific of the job or task. So for jobs that run over multiple nodes this might not be a solution. Finally, the space is DELETED as soon as your job is finished (no one can access it anymore)

To reach this space use the variable $TMPDIR in your sbatch script.

Here are 2 ways to use the local storage:

Run multiple individual samples

It sometimes happen that we need to run the same command with different input files and maybe different parameters. This is often the case with metagenomic samples for example. In this case, 2 options are possible write a script for all your samples and submit them all or write a script that will make the individual script per sample and submit them. The last one is the one we develop in this section. It is important to be comfortable with bash scripts, to be able to make the few adjustments that are needed to run your own commands.

   1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
   3 set -e
   5 fastqs=$1; shift
   6 suffix=$1; shift
   7 output=$1; shift
   9 if [ -z $fastqs ]; then suffix='./'; fi
  10 if [ -z $suffix ]; then suffix='.fastq.gz'; fi
  11 if [ -z $output ]; then suffix='./'; fi
  14 for fl in $(find $fastqs -name "*_[12]$sufix" | sort | paste -d',' - -)
  15 do
  16  fq1=$(echo $fl | cut -d',' -f1)
  17  fq1=$(realpath $fq1)
  18  fq2=$(echo $fl | cut -d',' -f2)
  19  fq2=$(realpath $fq2)
  20  bs=$(basename $fq1 1$suffix)
  21  bs=$(echo $bs | sed -r "s/[,\._\-\+\=\@\s]+$//")
  23  o=$(realpath $output/$bs)
  25  if [ ! -d $o ] ; then mkdir $o; fi
  27  cat >./${bs}.sbatch <<EOF
  28 #!/bin/bash
  30 #SBATCH
  31 #SBATCH --mem 3000
  32 #SBATCH -n 10
  33 #SBATCH -t 00:15:00
  34 #SBATCH -D $o
  35 #SBATCH -J $bs
  36 #SBATCH -o ${bs}.out
  37 #SBATCH -e ${bs}.err
  39 module load fastqc;
  41 fastqc -o ${o} -t 10 -f fastq $fq1 $fq2
  42 EOF
  44 #sbatch ./${bs}.sbatch
  45 done

This is a simple script that look for specific pair of "fastq" files filtered by their extensions, will sort the file names and write a sbatch script to run the program "fastqc" on them. Let's see in a bit more detailed what the script does

  1. Computers description

  2. Request an account

  3. storage description

  4. First login

  5. Receiving sequencing data

  6. transferring data

  7. Submitting jobs

  8. Monitor jobs

  9. Install tools

  10. Space management


mibPotatoWiki: Submitting jobs (last edited 2024-02-23 15:49:56 by fhoma)