<> = How to request and account for MIB server = <> We expect from all our users to know the basics of the linux command line and to be familiar with the concepts of FAIR data and data security before using our server. We have prepared 2 little quizzes for our users to assess their level, you must answer correctly to 80-85% of the questions (they are simple tests) before you can get an account. To ease the process, every month we organise 1 session of introduction to Linux and 1 session of Data Tour, an email is sent to all MIB in this regard. Given that a high score to the quiz is required before an account can be made we ask all beginners to try to join at least one of these sessions. For the more advanced people, the material for the introduction can be found [[https://git.wur.nl/afsg-microbiology/education/tutorials/linux]] To request an account send an email to <> with the following info, Subject:: New account MIB server Email body should mention:: :: prefered login name :: wur email :: first & last name :: research group (MICEVO, BACGEN, MICFYS, MOLECO, SSB, EXTERNAL) :: position "position" refer to the users role within MIB, for example, PhD, IT-Staff, Lab-staff, Postdoc, master student, visitor,... You will receive an email with your login detail once the account is made. == Quick links == 1. [[Computers description]] 2. [[Request an account]] 3. [[storage description]] 4. [[First login]] 5. [[Receiving sequencing data]] 6. [[transferring data]] 7. [[Submitting jobs]] 8. [[Monitor jobs]] 9. [[Install tools]] 10. [[Space management]] [[#top]]