<> = Monitor jobs = <> We assume that you have submitted jobs that are currently running. The idea now is to know the status of your jobs. == Email notifications == If you have used the options ''--mail-user'' & ''--mail-type'', you should get email notification when your job reaches a specific status. When ''--mail-type'' is set to ''ALL'' you will be notified for every status of your job. Here are the possible values for ''--mail-type'', BEGIN:: When job is allocated END:: When job is done FAIL:: When job has fail REQUEUE:: When a fail or finished job is put back into the queue STAGE_OUT:: Burst buffer stage out and teardown completed TIME_LIMIT:: When job has reached 100% of time limit TIME_LIMIT_90:: When job has reached 90% of time limit TIME_LIMIT_80:: When job has reached 80% of time limit TIME_LIMIT_50:: When job has reached 50% of time limit ARRAY_TASKS:: Send emails for each array task ALL:: BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE, STAGE_OUT Have a look at the help of the command SBATCH to know more about notifications. == Status of submitted jobs == === squeue === Check the status of the queue using. {{{#!highlight bash # Print all jobs currently in the queue squeue # Check owned jobs in the queue squeue -u <> # Check a list of jobs squeue --jobs <> # You can format the output of squeue. For example to get more details about the running jobs use, squeue -o "%.7i %.9P %.8j %.8u %.2t %.10M %.6D %C %.10m" # For more info about squeue man squeue }}} === scancel === Cancel a pending or running job or job step. ''It can also be used to send an arbitrary signal to all processes associated with a running job or job step.'' {{{#!highlight bash scancel <> # learn more about scancel option man scancel }}} === sstat === Prints information about the resources utilized by a running job or job step. {{{#!highlight bash sstat -j <> # learn more about sstat man sstat }}} === sacct === Reports job or job step accounting information about active or completed jobs. {{{#!highlight bash # Print admin info about a job sacct -j <> # Print CPU time and memory usage of a job sacct --format="CPUTime,MaxRSS" -j <> # Print a list of all the job a user has been running sacct -u <> # learn more about sacct options man sacct }}} == Status of nodes == Use the command '''sinfo''' to report the state of partitions and nodes. == Quick links == 1. [[Computers description]] 2. [[Request an account]] 3. [[storage description]] 4. [[First login]] 5. [[Receiving sequencing data]] 6. [[transferring data]] 7. [[Submitting jobs]] 8. [[Monitor jobs]] 9. [[Install tools]] 10. [[Space management]] [[#top]]